Subject: File No. S7-02-10
From: Obaro Mojuetan

February 11, 2015

Office of FOIA Services
Securities and Exchange Commission
100 F Street, NE
Room 2736
Washington, DC 20549-2736

Dear Team,

Dark Pools trading has been a major cause of concern as it relates to trading. The US securities and Exchange Commission has provided a lot of information to address the issues of dark pool trading. However, its still prevalent in trading today as we evident in the recent Barclays case. In a bid to curtail the effect of Dark Pools trading, the London Stock Exchange has planned to introduce an intraday auction system billed to kick-off in 2017, this is a welcome development which will in turn ensure transparency in market dealings.

From my view, one major recommendation which can be put forward too is that governments could impose a significant high trade size per order to drive out short-term traders like High Frequency Trading (HFT) and therefore still enable large institutional investors benefit.

However, what other recommendations do you think should be implemented to help reduce the dark pool effect?

I am currently a Postgraduate student in Cranfield University where am pursuing a Masters in Finance and Management. In the cause of my program, at different sections in our Corporate Finance and Financial Market Regulation classes. The issues of Darkpool has always been highlighted and will want to get some other insights to help broaden my knowledge base.

I look forward to getting some useful perspectives and insights.

Warm Regards.

Obaro Mojuetan

Msc Finance and Management