Subject: File No. S7-02-10
From: Suzanne Shatto

April 27, 2011

[Copyrighted material redacted. Author cites Burne, Katy. "Moody's Downgrade Threat Seen Driving Buy-Side Clearing." Morningstar. Dow Jones Newswires, 27 Apr. 2012. Web. 11 May 2012.]

they must be joking. the clearinghouses cannot handle this.
they have to get these liabilities off the balance sheet but this cannot clear.
how do you get this BACK ON balance sheets without a going-concern warning? without bankruptcies?

and simultaneously stop HFT/high frequency trading and shortselling which has succeeded in destabilizing the market?

47,138 Quotes. One Symbol. One Second.

WHEN will they convince investors to get back into the market? BLACK SWAN, coming right up. investors might stick a toe into the market if they think the market is fair. until then, NO.