Subject: S7-01-23: WebForm Comments from Warren Icahn
From: Warren Icahn
Affiliation: Wall Street Investor

Apr. 5, 2023

April 5, 2023

 Dear Ms. Countryman,

since many of the current happenings, some of which are about a gaming and retail company that is being naked shorted into the ground illegally by a so-called bona-fide market maker for quite some time now, it has become blatantly obvious that we are living in a completely fraudulent system.

Any counter party that has decided to make this a war of attrition will reap what they have sown.

We certainly can hold longer than they can stay solvent.

I, for instance, am prepared to hold my shares for 84 more years.

Imagine a medieval citadel that has been encircled by lowly peasants with pointy pitchforks. In the end, the citadel will fall.

We are here, we are educated, and we are not leaving.

Warren icahn