Subject: S7-01-23: WebForm Comments from Greg Senger
From: Greg Senger

Mar. 23, 2023

 March 23, 2023

 To whom it may Concern,

I strongly oppose this proposal.  In order for US Markets to be the envy of the world, we have to show absolute fairness in all aspects. Conflicts of interest must be eliminated. The proposed rule will make it more difficult for household investors to find adequate information a crucial step in making financial decisions that can be deeply affecting.

Current securities market structure these hedge funds and market makers are the only entities that can naked short sell with no repercussions - or accountability for Failure-to-Delivers. These hedge funds and market makers are currently allowed to transact in dark pools with no transparency.

In our current system, it seems that the more money you have, the more you're allowed  to make bad bet after bad bet without repercussions.  If I go to a casino and keep making bad bets and losing, it'll eventually all come to a head.  At some point, if not stopped, the casino will own my house.

Market Makers are not market makers. They are separate arms of a multi-armed octopus who only serves to enrich whatever hedge fund owns them.  Please, vote no on passage of this proposal.