Subject: Comment for File No. S7-01-23
From: Gregory Brandano

Mar. 23, 2023

The exemptions you are offering for the parties this rule would effect, makes the rule have no teeth and keeps the large players away from any competition.

The structure of the entire system is asymmetric and continuing exponentially. In order to effectively ensure supply and demand, due diligence and facts are procured in our markets, the SEC would need to stop giving exemptions to the entrenched players.

How many times have the entities who will use this loophole been fined? How little are those fines compared to the bounty received from obstructing the rules and justice?

The SEC is doing a terrible job of instilling confidence to the household investor, especially after getting caught trying to give loopholes to the biggest donors and players with the most market share. If you had any empathy you would have a hard time sleeping at night.

Based on deductive reasoning, the employees tasked to regulate our markets, but effectively run cover for the biggest conglomerates have no trouble sleeping at night.

The exemptions are a slap in the face to every other market participant.

Greg Brandano