Subject: S7-01-23: WebForm Comments from Ethan Kowaleski
From: Ethan Kowaleski
Affiliation: Household investor

Mar. 23, 2023

 March 23, 2023

 To do list

-   Pack
-   Suit
- x Animal food
-   Message about stickers Etsy
-   Weed

I am a household investor and against these listed exceptions
As specified in Section 27B, the proposed rule would provide exceptions for:
 Risk-mitigating hedging activities
 Bona fide market-making activities and
 Liquidity commitments.

No exceptions should be put in place to create a leveled playing field.

While I'm at it there should be stricter tracking and regulation on order cancellations. The order cancellations can be abused if sent at a high frequency to manipulate a stock price either possibly or negatively to a drastic degree. Especially used by companies in the quantitative business. by your own chart.

You can also look at the monthly cancellation percentage here
You can search SPY,HLGN, AMC, GOOG, AAPL.

Please have tighter regulation without exceptions and allow a leveled playing field between all players. Thank you