Subject: Prohibition against conflicts of interest certain securitizations file No. S7-01-23
From: Sarah Oliveira

Mar. 15, 2023

To whom this may concern, which would be all the household investors and anybody in any capacity who has a say in this proposal…..there needs to be NO. I repeat. NO exemptions to this proposed rule.  This re-proposal does nothing but allow those who control the market to continue further manipulation. If you are looking for events of these claims I suggest you take a look around the internet. You might find what you are looking for.  The people of this country, and the world for that matter, deserve a fair and free market. This re-proposal does nothing to help this goal, which SHOULD be YOUR goal.  Instead, I have to take the time out of my day to tell you how to do your job which my tax money pays for. DO YOUR JOBS AND MAKE RULES AND REGULATIONS THAT CREATE FREE AND FAIR MARKETS!


Scott Oliveira
Concerned Household Investor