Subject: Re: Prohibition Against Conflicts of Interest in Certain Securitizations File No. S7-01-23
From: Ricardo Gomez

Mar. 15, 2023

To SEC rulemakers: 

In theory this policy change would be helpful to everyday American investors such as myself. However, the exemptions for market makers and so-called risk-mitigation is a mistake. Household investors are already disadvantaged when it comes to asymmetrical market information, which insiders, large investors, hedge funds, market makers, and Congressmembers enjoy. The house is all but rigged against normal Americans. While these rule changes may help, one of the greatest conflicts exist when investment firms/ hedgefunds also are associated with market making firms. Everyone knows Bernie Madoff's scam, but his scams continue to exist on Wall Street through PFOF and an SEC that exempts market making firms that harm American investors. Furthermore, recent events show us that the Federal reserve will step in to protect the rich and the financial industry if risk gets out of hand, everyday Americans know that the system feeds off of bailouts and, thusly, including risk mitigation exemption is not necessary and further obscures public scrutiny of risk within our financial systems. The SEC should eliminate the exemptions and level the playing field. 

Thank you, -- 

Ricardo Gomez