Subject: Prohibition Against Conflicts of Interest in Certain Securitizations File No. S7-01-23
From: Jenni Brannan

Mar. 15, 2023

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Dear SEC, 

It is my understanding that this proposed rule has been revised to allow exemptions for "risk-mitigating hedging activities, bone fide market making and certain liquidity commitments." 

I am absolutely against Market Makers or others receiving or being allowed exemptions for the rule addressing conflicts of interest. These entities are abusing their position, visibility and power in the market, causing harm to household investors by using their special access to front run prices among other abuses. There isn't enough transparency to provide adequate protections of household investors. There is too much wiggle room here, huge funds can create fake accredite investor accounts to manipulate markets with no way for regulators to observe or provide oversight. 

There is almost too much room for abuse by allowing self-reporting and time delays in reporting. This exemption must not be allowed. These funds have long histories of manipulating markets with little to no consequences, which means they just keep doing it. 

The rules need to stop the illegal, immoral and exploitive behavior we witness constantly. The system cannot just be for those already controlling 80% of the funds. We need fair markets. Please do not allow for this exemption. 

Jenni Brannan 
Charlotte, North Carolina