Subject: S7-01-23: WebForm Comments from Joseph Brady
From: Joseph Brady
Affiliation: Household investor

Mar. 15, 2023

March 15, 2023

 No to the proposed exemptions and changes to S7-01-23 that would allow only certain entities to participate in conflict of interest in regards to securities transactions. If Congress, and the SEC, have a mandate to prevent conflicts of interest in the securities market then no to allowing hedge funds or market makers an exemption.
With our current securities market structure these hedge funds and market makers are the only entities that can naked short sell with no repercussion - or accountability for Failure-to-Delivers.  These same entities are allowed to sell asset-backed securities that are tainted by
material conflicts of interest to investors. These hedge funds and market makers are currently allowed to transact
in 'dark-pools' and with non-transparency, retail investors cannot do the same, this is NOT a 'fair' and equitable market, when certain entities are allowed to manipulate the market that we must all participate in to create a financial future. Hedge funds and market makers have lobbied their way to so many exemptions that they have crippled the retail investor of making any informed decisions in the market.  They should play by the same rules as
all investors, no exemptions.