Subject: S7-01-23: WebForm Comments from Anthony
From: Anthony

Mar. 15, 2023

March 15, 2023

 To whom it may concern,

Thank you for taking time to consider my comment on this proposal. I am a household investor in the US Securities market and I support the proposed changes EXCEPT for the Exceptions made in this rule.

As specified in Section 27B, the proposed rule would provide exceptions for:

 Risk-mitigating hedging activities

 Bona fide market-making activities and

 Liquidity commitments.

These exceptions should be taken out of this proposed rule. I support this proposal only if the above exceptions are removed. No exceptions should be made in conflicts of interest no matter what party is involved. Conflicts of interest cannot have any exceptions or the proposed rule is useless in application.

Please consider removing the exceptions in section 27B proposed in the rule as they hurt household investors and destroy fair markets.