Subject: S7-01-23 (ID 33-11151)
From: Scott Jonsson

Mar. 15, 2023


Dear SEC; 


Liquidity only comes from selling securities, not fraud by regulation abusing market makers using FTDs in dark pools (that said market makers do not yet own and have no intention of buying). This is, and should be, punished as illegal. The system is abusing the locate function. Those securities never get purchased and end up being FTDs. 

I ask that ALL price altering FTDs be covered and closed, since that affects the real stock price. No naked short selling of any kind should be allowed when buying any stock. Locates should be disabled - If no stock exists then no one can buy! 

NO sale of stock can be allowed, in the dark of the night, with amounts no retail investor is allowed to use. What should happen is a buy order should be put through and each person sees the buy order in their brokerage account and then decides if they want to sell at that price. Give retail investors access to actual price discovery not the 'fake price' we see every day. NO market makers can be allowed to abuse the system and all fines should exceed the profit they may have realized. Failure to fine allows a continued transfer of wealth away from the actual investor who put their money, and trust, into Wall Street. 

This is unacceptable! The rule changes allowing crime to continue must be removed or the final rule will offer NO actual protection to investors. 

Best Regards, 
Scott E. Jonsson