Subject: Re: Prohibition Against Conflicts of Interest in Certain Securitizations File No. S7-01-23
From: Jordan Escobedo

Mar. 15, 2023

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The proposed rule exempts certain non-reporting parties from registering certain securities under the securities act if certain conditions are met.  

I believe the point of this proposed rule was to give the investors more transparency into the market, and I also believe that giving certain parties exceptions to this rule defeats that purpose, and also serves to further diminish the investors trust in the free market.  

I strongly urge you: under no condition should any exceptions be put in place for any party. The rules must be equal for all in order for the market to regain the diminishing trust of the investors. Please consider that continuing to alter the proposed rule to add in exceptions may cast further doubt on the fairness of the market. 

Thank you. -Jordan Escobedo