Subject: S7-01-23: WebForm Comments from Mayo Yiffin
From: Mayo Yiffin
Affiliation: Market Maker and Frontrunning Hedgefund

Feb. 13, 2023

February 13, 2023

 I do not support this rule

OwO whats this. There is no conflict of interest in naked shorting with the market maker company I own  and then front running with the hedge fund I also own. They are totally separate (wink, wink) The 16 billion in profits the hedge fund made is honest money. We do not insider trade, front run or market manipulate. That would be unsophisticated Its perfectly normal for a hedge fund to be 65 billion dollars short not purchased at fair value worth of shorts. Im not going to try and crash the market.  I also do not work with FTX or Robinhood. Any emails or phone calls you find are photo shopped. I checked all my employees phones. Some of them went missing and accidentally started a microwave fire. Just like the fire that was set at our storage facility over a year ago. Totally an accident. Alright well have a great day Thank you for listening to my comment.

Mayo Yiffin