Subject: File No. DF Title III - Minority and Women Inclusion
From: Susan M Hinds
Affiliation: Strategic Management Harmony, LLC, CEO President

July 30, 2010

The governmental agencies, which represent the larger republic, must strive to ensure that the workforce reflects the diversity that it represents. The math is simple, if 50% of the population is women, then 50% of the 'new hires' should be women. Critically, as governmental agencies are funded by taxpayers (50% women) should ensure that the recruiting, hiring, development, and promotional opportunities are made available, and are reflective of unique needs, perspectives, and comfort level of women in the workplace.

Antiquated policies and processes that make women "victims" when they try to break the glass ceiling should be eradicated. Personnel practices and policies need to be updated to reflect the real demands on women (especially with children) and strive to create a respectful, harmonious work environment that integrates a 'zero tolerance' policy. Many talented, educated, and ambitious women wait in the wings of these changes that would give them the chance to score some of the 800 jobs that are on the horizon.

Please help women and minorities achieve their dream jobs in finance governmental agencies (like the SEC) by promoting equality, developing reward systems that value this on performance reviews, and make the metrics visible so progress can be seen. Glacial progress is intolerable, especially with governmental jobs. Open the access to these jobs, with equality in mind, so women can pursue their dream jobs in finance which is traditionally male dominated. Enforce in your hiring practices and promotions, that women achieve economic parity, by paying them for the job they perform, and not on their historical pay, which is likely lower than the male counterparts. Thank you for your consideration.