Subject: cll-13: WebForm Comments from Daniel B. Marks (Profanity Flag)
From: Daniel B. Marks

Sep. 24, 2022

September 24, 2022

 The proper strategy to achieve your steps 1 and 2 will require that you reword Step 3, dropping step 3.1 completely.
Effective Capital markets allow the effective communication of the investors so that they may put capital where it will grow fastest with their commensurate risk. Any LOSS of focus, i.e. spending resources and time on objectives that do NOT communicate Capital needs and Capital availability, will blur Capital valuations and/or risks.
This sentence, \"Focus on the workforce to increase capabilities, leverage shared commitment to investors, and promote diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and equality of opportunity . . .\" is the exact opposite of the first word - \"Focus.\"
Some investors will want to contribute to one cause while other investors will contribute elsewhere.
Help the investors maximize their objectives so they may optimize their own contribution to their own personal interests.
Drop the ESG crap, PERIOD.
It is the investors who bear the risk - FOCUS on ensuring their risk is in the markets, not the politics.