Subject: File No.
From: Colburn Hassman

August 13, 2021

As an individual investor and financial professional, I think it is imperative that the SEC enact clear, thoughtful, rules-based climate reporting for entities which report public financials.

Furthermore, climate reporting must be standardized. Clear science-based guidelines and rulesets are necessary for investor comparability and comprehension. These rules should be in-line with UN guidelines and national climate goals. Auxiliary information, which would not carry the same degree of company liability, should be encouraged to provide additional information and potential management adjustments to the rules-based official number.

I encourage the SEC to draw on the knowledge and experience of the diverse stakeholders which would be impacted by this change, including company management, the investment community, and environmental researchers, as well as other agencies which have enacted environmental protections and reporting guidelines such as the EPA and the DOE.