Subject: File No.
From: Robert Mattia
Affiliation: Project Manager - Consultant

March 20, 2021

Back in the day when barter was the only form of exchange it served as a natural control over resource depletion. The advent of currency converted resources to stored and accumulated value. Value that could be taxed and exchanged easily. It also accelerated the depletion and waste of resources and currency thus setting us on this course of climate change.
We accepted that conversion because it meant progress and higher living standards. Now we are approaching a tipping point.
The global community must start paying the true cost of non renewable resources, not just the extraction. handling and delivery. The true value should include the cost of depletion of supply, collection and disposal or recycling plus a surcharge for using nonrenewable resources.
Conversely renewable or recycled resources should be subsidized from the surcharge until consumption reduces the cost to be more competitive in the market. This painful approach could be transitioned in over time. It's a matter of some pain now for long term healing.