Subject: Public Input Welcomed on Climate Change Disclosures (March 15, 2021)
From: Louise Dunlap

Jun. 11, 2021


As an investor in an era of catastrophic climate disruption, I urge the SEC to develop and adopt a comprehensive framework for reporting —so that information on longterm risks in our investments is complete, consistent, and comparable. Voluntary reporting can leave us with data gaps. 

Please make ESG disclosure mandatory, with comprehensive information to allow us as investors to understand the full spectrum of company practices and to allow comparisons within regions, industries and portfolios. Where possible, please coordinate with existing International standards to enable better comparabiity. 

All investors in these times need this information in order to assess the climate risk that we, ourselves, contribute to if we are not aware of it. 

This matter is very urgent because the world we live in is on fire. 

Thank you 


Louise Dunlap