Subject: Climate Disclosure
From: N/A N/A

Jun. 10, 2021

June 10. 2021
The following letter is presented by the Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa, WI in response to an invitation to comment on climate change disclosures by SEC Acting Chair Allison Herren Lee to be submitted 
by June 14th, 2021. 
The Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa submits this comment letter in support of a rulemaking by the SEC on mandatory climate change disclosures. We believe that disclosure of the material and systemic 
risks of climate change will help companies and investors to understand, price, and manage climate risks and opportunities. These activities are not only at the core of efficient securities markets but 
are also essential to ensuring a just and thriving economy that works for all people and communities.

We are a member of the Interfaith Center of Corporate Responsibility (ICCR), a 50-year-old coalition of more than 300 faith- and values-based institutional investors who engage with hundreds of 
corporations on their environmental and social impacts. ICCR members have been engaging for decades with companies on the risks posed by climate change and therefore deeply understand the value of 
comparable, consistent, and reliable climate-related information. We believe climate disclosures are critical for effective investment decision-making.
As a faith-based investor, we call on the SEC to consider the interconnections between climate change, racial justice, and human rights, as the worst impacts of climate change are often borne by 
low-income communities and communities of color. These disproportionate impacts contribute to social inequities, which can have negative consequences on the economy.
The climate crisis requires immediate action to mitigate the growing threats to financial markets and the economy, as well as to the people and communities that exist within them; therefore, we ask 
the SEC to act urgently in its climate disclosure rulemaking process. We appreciate the opportunity to participate in the SEC’s request for information and thank you for your consideration of our 
Sr. Reg McKillip, OP
Sr. Reg McKillip, OP
Promoter of Peace and Justice
Dominican Sisters of Sinsinawa