Subject: File No.
From: Thomas Sloan
Affiliation: President of the Energy Commerce Association - Texas Tech University

April 17, 2022

I see this proposal creating lots of investment in the Renewable sector (falsely), as well greatly raising the price of electricity all over the country, therefore punishing the poor, and hurting small cap public companies. The bigwig companies that foresaw this proposal (and are pushing it through) do so because they are set up to make huge profits from it, while the smaller companies dont even have it on their radar. Besides hurting the poor and smaller companies, I see this proposal creating yet another topic for the media to crucify those companies who are not falling in line by purchasing renewable credits or sourcing their electricity from green sources. Though there are more negatives than positives, I do see this a positive in creating a whole new industry, new software and new jobs within the companies that wish to comply. Whats the net effect? Well, Its not a good one, in my opinion.