Subject: File No.
From: Bethany Fall
Affiliation: Assurance associate, RSM

March 24, 2022

Yes the SEC should pass the law requiring an environmental risk disclosure. This is an important factor of how the company is doing and can affect many investors opinions. Personally I do not want to support a company that has astronomical pollution rates and Im sure many others dont. Our planet will keep dying and these companies affect everyone with out us having a say or providing real data on how severely they are affecting all of us. Most importantly there should be a uniform way of tracking how much each company contributes to global pollution. Because there are different ways a company can pollute I think they all should have to disclose every parameter. There should be a standardized system for tracking so the public can see how they affect us. We all share this one planet there is no other one and pollution affects every single one of us so every one of us should have access to make educated decisions on what companies we want to invest in and therefore support. This would finally encourage companies to put effort into lowering there emissions. A company that torpedos us to global warming with astronomically high emissions definitely has going concerns and investors should know about it.