Subject: File No.
From: Nathaniel Schutz
Affiliation: American citizen and investor

March 21, 2022

NO is the answer to your questions. The SEC should be laser focused on financial markets and protecting Americans from criminal activities including insider trading, rigged markets, and corporate fraud. I thought this proposal was satire from the Babylon Bee.

I hold the corrupt SEC regulators engaging in this nonsense personally responaible for failing to protect Americans from financial crimes and corruptionnwhiel pursuing this utter nonsense.

Will companies be rewarded for eliminating CO2 emissions by firing employees? How will CO2 emissions from employee breathing be monitored?

Biden and these sick, corruot, and insane Democrat sleazebags have already done enormous damage to our country. Exxon Mobil, an oil company, is now pursuing carbon neutrality. How freaking stuoud2 have we become? It's an oil company.

Nonnew investments have been made in nuclear plants. California and Texas are already suffering deadly power outages from these policies.

I would like a direct response on why Buddy Fletcher was never prosecuted? He ripped off retirees with fraudulent ponzi type schemes but remains free to do so again. You also failed to prosecute Osorio of CHS Electronics after he ripped off investors.and committes fraud allowingnhim to do so again.


There are lots of criminals abusing our markets and system for financial gain. Pursue and prosecute these criminals.

Cyber crime and email fraud are enormous problems. But here we see our financial regulators pursuing pointless political ends that will damage our country.

How much CO2 will be generated from companies having to meet these ridiculous regulations? How many hours and at what expense?

The regulators who are be protecting us from financial crikes but instead launched this absurd craziness must be removed fromntheir job IMMEDIATELY and prevented from taking on positiona in our government where they can abuse their positions going forward.

Please contact me so we can discuss the SEC's persistent failure to protect investors and consumers from fraud and financial crimes. We need to get to the bottom of why criminals like Buddy Fletcher are allowed to commit more and more crimes and why instead of doing their job our regulators are engaged in creating utterly useless and senseless regulations that make hurt our economy, hurt American workers, and hurt American families. This insanity must be stopped.

Contact me ASAP so we can discuss and move forward.

Are you raising the covered amount for FDIC insurance to account for Bidenflation? Are you rooting out political interference and corruption of monopoly companies Google Facebook and Amazom amd their collusion with the Democrst Party?