Subject: Petition for Rulemaking 4-785
From: Michael Tapley

Jun. 7, 2022

Dear SEC,

I strongly support this petition for rulemaking. Removing GME and AMC from dark pools for some time would either have a major impact on the stocks or none at all. In any case, I as an individual retail investor would learn much about the impact dark pools may or may not be having on price. If I am not mistaken the price of a stock should be based on supply and demand. By hiding demand you can easily suppress the price of a stock and dark pools are potentially being used for this exact purpose. I echo the following statement "If we are wrong then removing GME and AMC will have limited to no effect on the price and therefore market markers, hedge funds and banks shouldn’t have any objections.”

If for some reason this is not possible then I would ask why and how dark pools serve to benefit retail traders. Those who are putting their hard earned money into a system that should follow predictable rules must be able to trust the visible price of any stock and understand how that price is realized. I believe that the SEC will do what they can to retain public trust in the stock market and I strongly urger you to place this rule into effect as soon as possible. Assuming there is no foul play there would be no impact whatsoever.

Kind regards,