Subject: Petition 4-785 Rulemaking petition to invoke SEC Rule 304(a)(4)
From: Ben Correll

Jun. 6, 2022

To whom it may concern,

As a retail investor, I am very concerned by the recent revelations that the so-called “Dark Pools” are being used by bad actors as methods of price manipulation for certain high demand securities. As you may be away, the primary function of a Dark Pool is to conceal institutional orders from public view. Originally, this was introduced as means of stabilizing prices, such that large adjustments to portfolios didn’t affect everyday market prices. However, it has recently come to light that bad actors with large vested interests in certain market patterns have been using Dark Pools to hide their activities. The scheme is simple, these bad actors will conduct half of their trading in the public market and the other half in the Dark Pools. By buying securities exclusively in the Dark Pools and selling them exclusively in the public market, for example, a bad actor can give the impression of a selloff when in reality most investors are simply holding. As a retail investor with a significant stake in high demand securities, I humbly request that the securities $AMC and $GME be suspended from Dark Pool trading, such that all activity related to these securities be available and subject to public scrutiny.


Benjamin Correll
US Citizen, Retail Investor