Subject: Petition 4-785 Rulemaking petition to invoke or amend SEC Rule 304(a)(4)
From: Basil Kupferschmied

Jun. 07, 2022


Dear SEC 

I'm a private/retail investor and used to invest the majority of my funds in the US stock market but I'm loosing trust in the financial system as a few firms/brokareges/banks are able to control the price action of possibly any given stock by routing the orders through dark pools and off lit exchanges. 

This practice benefits only the few and is to the disadvantage of the majority of people invested in the US stock market, namely the retail traders. 

Therefore I'm in favor of the Petition 4-785 and in favor of suspending the trading of the two tickers AMC and GME in dark pools for at least 14 days. 

Thank you for protecting my trust in the stock market. 

Kind regards, 
Basil Kupferschmied 
