Subject: Fwd: File Number: 4-785
From: Rich Rhodes

Jun. 07, 2022


Amending to include off-exchange trading which I inadvertently used interchangeably with “dark pools”. Thank you. 

---------- Forwarded message --------- 
From: Rich R 
Date: Tue, Jun 7, 2022 at 6:38 AM 
Subject: File Number: 4-785 
To: <> 

I am in support of petition 4-785, with regards to removing certain stocks from off-exchange and dark pools for at least 14 days. Given the unexplained volatility in the stock price of GME and to a lesser extent AMC (as well as how frequently they move together), combined with the daily dark pool % that hovers around 40%, it is abundantly clear to many retail investors that “something ain’t right”. While price manipulation is a bold accusation (one quite frankly I believe would be proven true if properly investigated), we can settle on incomplete/inaccurate price discovery as the motive for supporting this petition for a brief time. 

If there is nothing nefarious going on, then it should bother no one that these trades are being brought to light. And those who push back the hardest are likely the “guilty ones” in this scenario. One only needs to ask them why they don’t want proper price discovery of two American stock companies. 

Thank you. 
Rich Rhodes