Subject: File Number 4-785
From: Marty Robertson

Jun. 6, 2022


It’s a shame that we have to try and get a fair Market and honesty using extreme measures. How has it come to this? We cannot trust our own Government to do the right thing. They are caught up in the greed and pay offs. This Country used to be great, but currently it is in a steep decline. Those that create the laws we are supposed to all live by are setup so those in power can easily work around them. We have very hard working Americans trying to survive from paycheck to paycheck. Those in power do not have to feel this pain. The corruption runs so deep it’s sickening. If we were to get even one honest politician in power, the change would still never happen. They would be pressured into following this same path which leads to no trust in the Government. Our Government and Politicians find it so easy to point the finger at other Countries and their corruption. They do not have to look that far, all they need to do is take a look in the mirror.

“Absorb what is useful. Discard what is not. Add what is uniquely your own.”
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.”
“A smart man only believes half of what he hears; a wise man knows which half.”
“Socialism is like a Mouse Trap. It works because the Mouse doesn't understand why the Cheese is free”

Marty Robertson