Subject: File No. 4-785 Comments
From: Paul Pritchard

Jun. 7, 2022


To Whom it may concern,

As a retail investor I am in agreement with the “Rulemaking petition to invoke SEC Rule 304 (a)(4) to remove GME and AMC across all ATS dark pools for at least 14 days.”

However, it is my understanding that the SEC is capable of suspending ATS dark pools for up to 12 months, which is what I recommend as the only caveat to this submission. Companies such as AMC and GME have been continually abused in the dark pools. It is my belief that the bulk of daily trading for these companies is done so much in the dark pools that the we as retail investors are not receiving a fair market value due to improper price discovery. 

Trading for GME and AMC should be done solely on lit markets for the next 365 days effective immediately.


Paul Pritchard, DBA