Subject: Petition 4-785 Rulemaking petition to invoke SEC Rule 304 (a)(4)
From: Kris Hanson

Jun. 7, 2022


I am a single income father of two, working hard to support my family. I occasionally scrap together a bit of savings to invest for retirement. I have to utilize an aggressive growth strategy in order to built up enough savings for retirement. Unfortunately, the average American retail investor is no longer facing a level playing field. Our stock market is manipulated by prime brokers and market makers. In some cases, the same entity is investing as a hedge fund while they themselves make the market! And if that is not enough to get a step ahead of the retail investor, they also get to funnel trades through dark pools at whim, whenever it benefits them.
Currently, there is a collection of stocks, which is particularly manipulated through the use of dark pools. Even though retail is doing nothing but buying and holding, these stocks are being manipulated downward by pushing retail sales through the dark pools. Please! Let’s let us American tax payers have a free and equitable market by invoking the SEC’s own Rule 304(a)(4). Please ban the use of dark pools and Payment For Order Flow on the stocks AMC and GME. (We should ban these practices for ALL stocks that are being manipulated, but those are the ones with the biggest repercussions.) Let’s let the market be truly free, and see what happens to those stocks if they are allowed to trade freely on the open market!
Thank you.

-Kris Hanson