Subject: File Number: 4-785
From: Anonymous

Jun. 7, 2022


Dear representative of the SEC, 

I became aware of this petition as a German investor in the stock Gamestop and I support it very much. The interest of individual investors is not represented by the large share of trading in so-called "dark pools". The small investor has exclusively disadvantages through these according to my understanding. Increased liquidity in a share may sound positive, but it is counterproductive when it comes to real exploration of a fair market price. 

Based on the above, I hope you will consider this petition and suspend the two stocks mentioned from trading in "dark pools" for at least 14 days. If we, the small investors, are wrong, then you have nothing to lose. 

I am very curious about the further development of this petition and I hope to receive an appropriate response from you. 

And please, no more videos or articles warning investors about meme stocks. 

Where were the warnings about stocks like Robinhood, Netflix, Facebook and many more? Retail investors have lost much more money in these stocks than in the so-called meme stocks. 

I look forward to hearing from you and remain curious.