Subject: file 4-744 Pattern day trading! This was a post dated 4-2019 fina rule 2520
From: a n

Dec. 06, 2021

I feel that the current rule penalizes retail traders who don’t have $25,000 to trade with.  I trade mostly options and I’m restrained from setting stop losses because if the market goes bad that same day it can trigger my stop loss and then a day trade.  The other point is protecting my profits.  I’ve lost numerous times on same day option profits and letting it roll till next day and with premarket my profits are gone and to never realize again.  I feel like the retail trader is being limited or punished in trying to make any profits.  I thought the sec was to help the retail trader but I don’t see in anyway how this rule helps.  It actually has cost me more money because I’m not able to close a same day trade if I’ve done three already  I trade fulltime and I’m hesitant on doing stop losses which is not a good thing to do and let profits turn to 0 and usually the option goes bad too so I’m out my premium.  Fri 12\3 I had 4 day trades and I had three put options I could have closed and made $1500 profit but had to let them roll until today Monday and two expired worthless today and my third I’ll find out Friday  The two today QQQ and SPY  $1200 lost gone.. Please help me not lose money by not being able to stop loss or take same day profits.  Don’t penalize the retail trader.  
Thank you 
Alain nogues