Subject: 4-710
From: Chris Mundy

April 1, 2019

Your clarity on the matter at hand with in reference to the clarity in the CRYPTOCURRENCIES market is much neede.  I know u guys are just trying to get your billionaire friends in on the action but while u guys are playing thum[redacted] in Washington excuse my language but it angers me to see all of these other countries outdoing us in innovation and businesses leaving America and going across the ocean to start somewhere else because their country understands the gravity of the situation at hand. Unlike years ago we dont have the upper hand in innovation and haven't in years because of the sad bureaucracy going on in our Capital. That's not what u guys were put in office to do is delay, delay, delay, delay obviously when the public has spoken but u choose to do nothing because everyone hasn't gotten all of their DEEP STATE money in yet THAT IS STAINED WITH THE BLOOD OF SIN. Hopefully soon maybe one day u guys wake up before we are left behind forever by the rest of the world. I'm just glad I'm not any of u in WASHINGTON BESIDES DONALD TRUMP if I was I couldn't look myself in the mirror every morning knowing what ur doin to the USA.   


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