Subject: File No. 4-657
From: William Derbyshire

December 23, 2012

SEC Announces Agenda for Roundtable on Decimalization


Let me give you a reality check

EA's are privately owned under the laws of intellectual property and you have not the right to tell any one who what when where or why we draw or construct our EA's, period.

If you keep up your insolence no one will keep their products in the US again.

Think about it... we are already leaving the US because of stuff like this.

This law was passed in 2007... how are you to come back and try to stop our designers beause some one leaked informatics to you?

You cannot hire ex- employees and then make rules to stopp the corporations and the legal conduct of free market trading.

I am taking the entire EA platform we control out of the United States because of your stupidity.

have a nice day
