Subject: File No. 4-637

June 21, 2012

To Whom it may Concern:

I wish to state my strongest possible objections to the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling in "Citizens United". I respectfully and emphatically request that the S.E.C. stipulate that Corporations Must disclose to the Stockholders intent to fund political campaigns--regardless of the vehicle (IE: PAC). Further, that corporations Must seek approval from a majority of Stockholders to make a contribution and that the corporation Must disclose the amount sought and to whom it will be sent. Further, that corporations must disclose to the Stockholders the purpose of the contribution and what the corporation considers the benefits to the corporation may be.

Finally, I am going to seek support for my request from Political organizations which consider the wishes and hopes of "We the People". The Citizens United decision has NO support from the majority of "We the people" and in fact, is intended to abrogate our rights as citizens and the welfare of our families. The actions of Citizens United are an affront to Democracy and "We the People" who are the foundation of this democratic experiment---called the U.S.A.

Most Sincerely and Respectfully,

Rev. Carter A. Dary (retired)