Subject: File No. 4-637

February 2, 2013

Dear Members of the Securities and Exchange Commission:

It's long past time to end secret political spending by corporations.

So I strongly support the SEC issuing a rule in the near future that would require publicly traded corporations to publicly disclose all their spending on political activities.

Both shareholders and the public deserve to know how much a given corporation spends on politics (directly and through intermediaries), and which candidates are being promoted or attacked.

Thank you for considering my comment.

I'd like you to consider what the founding fathers would have thought about the Supreme Court ruling that has hi-jacked the democracy once enjoyed my average working class American's? Imagine a ruling that allows the same entity to influence the political process as a person and yet benefit from favorable tax considerations as a Corporation.

That is not Democracy in my book. We're the 99% and we're too BIG to fail!!!


Scott Houde