Subject: Comment on File Number 4-637

February 2, 2013

Dear Members of the Securities and Exchange Commission:

It's long past time to end secret political spending by corporations.

So I strongly support the SEC issuing a rule in the near future that would require publicly traded corporations to publicly disclose all their spending on political activities.

Both shareholders and the public deserve to know how much a given corporation spends on politics (directly and through intermediaries), and which candidates are being promoted or attacked.

These funds they are using for political gain are taking away from the workers in their employ. Workers salaries and benefits have suffered because these corporations find it more important to elect folks that will put them first and citizens and workers last. This type of corporate greed must be abolished. These funds should be used to prevent working Americans from entering poverty and depending on social programs just to make ends meet. Please consider them part of the reason our economy is not working. We demand disclosure.

Thank you for considering my comment.


valerie peyer