Subject: File No. 4-637
From: K. Dean

April 2, 2014


I am deeply concerned about the influence of corporate money on our electoral process.

In particular, I am appalled that, because of the Supreme Court's ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, publicly traded corporations can spend investors' money in secret.

I am writing to urge the Securities and Exchange Commission to issue a rule requiring publicly traded corporations to publicly disclose all their political spending.

Both shareholders and the public must be fully informed as to how much the corporation spends on politics and which candidates are being promoted or attacked. Disclosures should be posted promptly on the SEC's web site.

the leader of this destruction is the red shield club of frankfurt germany who has steered the investment extortion destruction of our planet since 1812 and their inbred clinically insane offspring, now 7th generation. in 1994 they had 600 trillion in controlled assets, the world bank all major media and military supply side construction.There is none other than their minions, with greatest sorrow it seems agenda
22 the 3 cent .22 cal lead cure for the 1% of humanity diseasedly predicating upon the 93% is the final option or face oblivion. On an unsurvivable industrial effluent clump called earth orbiting the sun, as a cancer to the universe and all who come too close. !% or 93% one has to go

Thank you for considering my comment.


K. Dean