Subject: Require disclosure of corporate spending in politics.

February 2, 2012

Securities and Exchange Commission

Dear Commission,

Right now, Super PACs don't have to disclose their unlimited corporate donations. That means they can keep the public in the dark about who's funding the attack ads that bombard their TV screens daily.

That's why I'm joining with the 14 United States senators who formally asked you to use your regulatory authority to require that corporations disclose their spending in elections.

SEC: Exercise your regulatory authority to require public disclosure of corporate political contributions.

While corporations are "persons" in the legal sense that they have recognition and standing, they are not flesh and blood entities like natural persons. Despite what the Supreme Court has ruled, unidentified "speech" by corporations is detrimental to the natural persons - the citizens - of the country. It should be a matter of public knowledge what causes corporations back. Under the circumstances, it's up to you to see that the SEC requires corporate opinions/contributions to see the light of day.

Thanks, in advance, for your serious consideration of my request.


William Twigg