Subject: File No. 4-637
From: C. Crockett

April 24, 2013

I am writing to urge the SEC and new Chair Mary Jo White to immediately issue a rule requiring publicly traded corporations to publicly disclose all of their political spending.

It is undemocratic and antithetical to so called free market principles that money from publicly traded corporations be secretly spent to distort policy that affects all citizens.

The antidote is for shareholders and the public to be freely and transparently informed on the amount corporations spend to support or deny policy and political  candidates. These disclosures should be posted promptly on the SEC Web site.

It should be the SEC mission to enact rules that protect citizens from corporate malfeasance and political corruption that have led to our economic failures. I ask Mary Jo White to restore integrity to her agency through the responsibility of good public service.

Thank You

c crockett