Subject: File No. 4-627
From: Norman L. Sleesman

May 28, 2011

I fully agree the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010.

I agree all trades should have their shares marked "long," "short," "market maker short," "buy," and/or "buy to cover" and reported in real time through the Consolidated Tape.

Implementation of regulations that adds long, short, and market maker trade designations to the consolidated tape will help investors and regulators to understand price movements.

Notwithstanding welcome past actions by the Commission, however, naked short selling, settlement failures and market manipulation persist.

The current situation with Northern Oil Gas (NOG) is classic. 49% of the float is currently sold short in a company where 79% of the shares are held long by institutions and another 8% is held long by insiders. That only leaves 12% that could be shorted. Where did the shorts find the other 37% of the shares to short ??? Answer: NAKED SHORTING