Subject: File No. 4-606
From: Eddie F Anderson
Affiliation: National Association of Insurance Financial Advisors

August 3, 2010

I am a registered representative Series 6 and 63. The standard of care issue regarding fiduciary versus suitability has been addressed by many professionals. The screening of my securities clients since 1986 has been very thorough by both of my broker/dealers. I advise my clients that I represent only one firm for variable insurance products and mutual fund family. I take great care working with clients to determine what their investment risk and time-line. In all this time there has never been a question that the options I provided were unsuitable. These clients are not impaired needing a guardian to be their fiduciary. They have sought me out to assist them.

The SEC should carefully study the standard of care issue to determine if those of us in the broker community will serve our clients better by meeting a fiduciary standard. I feel we have been unjustly accused of placing compensation ahead of our clients best interests. It is my opinion that it was not the broker community which participated in the financial services debacle on Wall Street. The issue needs study rather than a knee-jerk reaction to so-called investor protection.