Subject: File No. 4-606
From: Christina Rosario

August 25, 2010

To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing to voice my disagreement with the SEC's discretion to impose a legal fiduciary standard on broker-dealers and registered representatives.

I am a small firm trying to build my practice, and we are already over-regulated. The administrative burden and costs of regulated companies and individuals are already overwhelming. The costs and impacts of this increasing only results in less productive, higher cost to clients.

I currently hold my Series 7 (securities), 66 (investment advisor representative) and 2-15 (insurance) licenses, and am in the process of establishing my company as a Registered Investment Advisor and licensed Insurance Agency.

Consideration needs to be given for this continued over-regulation, making it cost-prohibitive for small business owners This administrative burden is NOT doing anything to help the consumer, beyond what has already been implemented.

Further, the stress we carry on our shoulders everyday in fear of violating any form of compliance due to fines, imprisonment, and so on... it raises question as to why future potential licensees and business owners should pursue a career in this field.

Christina Rosario