Subject: Gtv investor
From: Jing Wu

Apr. 11, 2022

My name is Jing Wu and I am an investor in a media company, G-TV.  It is my understanding that your agency has been engaged in an ongoing investigation into this firm based upon allegations which are, at best, frivolous, and, at worst, nefarious and done at the behest of the Chinese government.  Your investigation is doing great damage to the company and its investors.  While it is your mission to protect investors, in this case, you are accomplishing just the opposite.

This media company was formed as part of a much larger effort on behalf of scores of Chinese people to fight against the repressive, authoritarian, evil Chinese government, a government which has proven time and time again to be an enemy of the United States and its citizens, as well as its own citizens.  The actions you have taken are not only hurting the people who have engaged in this struggle from a financial standpoint, but more importantly, they are assisting the CCP in resisting this effort.  Shame on you!!!

While this may seem like a small issue to you, it is an extremely important issue to many Chinese people who want the same thing for their Chinese compatriots that US citizens enjoy-freedom.  The freedoms that we enjoy here in the US are uniformly denied to those living in China by this repressive regime.  I implore you to stop helping the CCP, expedite whatever investigative process you have in place, and allow G-TV to fulfill its mission-to help end the reign of the CCP.  In this way, the SEC can become part of the solution, rather than part of the problem.  Time is of the essence!!

Jing Wu

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