Subject: Additional Comments No. 2 on Proposed Distribution Plan for 3-20537
From: m C

Apr. 11, 2022

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Again, I make the following additional comments for the information of gentlemen and ladies of the Securities and Exchange Commission(Please do not make the fourth comment public):
1. To recover the funds remitted by Wei,lihong to Yu,jianming (also known as: William Je),  the executive director of the Saudi Arabia-China Fund, and the funds remitted by Wei,lihong to the Hong Kong accounts of Guo, wengui’s son Guo,qiang and daughter Guo,mei, etc. These are the defrauded funds of investors, and can also be used as evidence of money laundering by Guo,wengui and Wei,lihong, and they can be held criminally responsible;
2. To recover the family funds that the Guo,wengui family and its collaborators may have hidden in Switzerland, the United States, Saudi Arabia, the Virgin Islands and other parts of the world, and use the secret funds illegally obtained and kept by the Guo,wengui family to repay the losses of investment victims, legal claimants and the SEC fines, and warns imitators who want to take advantage of loopholes in American law and undermine the tradition of American rule of law;
3. Most of the investments in VOG are small investments, which are the personal after-tax salary income of the working class and the savings of these ordinary family members for many years. This is especially true for mainland Chinese investors. Many of them feel that the investment environment in the United States is relatively formal and has Legal protection, in order to find reliable investment opportunities and investment returns, even indirect investment through intermediaries, some of these people are older, have poor English, and do not even know how to use the Internet. Complained by relatives, affecting family relations. It is hoped that the SEC's refund plan will consider these people who can only be silent and cannot speak for themselves, pay attention to the actual difficulties of their families, think more for them, and provide more humane choices and convenient conditions;
   4. There may be nearly 10,000 victims in this investment fraud case. At present, only more than 120 people have commented in the message area of the SEC website. The number of comments is obviously disproportionate and abnormal. It can be seen that there is a large number of investment victims psychological stress. The difference between this case and other cases is that Guo,wengui used ordinary Chinese people's pursuit of universal values and a better life, longing for the United States but not understanding the characteristics of the United States to defraud funds, because mainland Chinese who immigrated to Europe, the United States, Japan, Australia and other countries are voting with their feet; In this case, mainland Chinese who cannot immigrate are voting with banknotes. Their investment is actually a vote of confidence in the United States. Ladies and gentlemen who are accustomed to freedom, please pay special attention to this.
5. Excuse me: Do investors from around the world contribute to the US economy, finance and taxation? Are there any contributions from global investors in the tax payments of U.S. receiving and paying banks and investee companies? Specifically, In the five legal documents that have fully entered into force on the tax agreement between the Chinese mainland government and the US government, the residents of the other country will not be taxed repeatedly. Does it mean that the residents of the other country are the taxpayers of their own country? Therefore, some Chinese-American citizens stressed that their status as taxpayers has no meaning in the issue of refunds. As long as it is a free market economy country with a normal financial order,  legal investment remittance and acceptance of SEC refunds are unrestrained, convenient and fast.  Whether it is the first batch of applications or whether it is prioritized for review,it will be relatively easy and fast Get an estimated 50% of the first installment and a certain percentage of each subsequent installment. Instead, these normal financial operations are difficult for investment victims in mainland China. Investment victims must jointly share the full refund administration fees and refund costs of the SEC-designated governing body, with the same responsibilities and rights.  It is unreasonable and illegal to make a rash claim that U.S. citizens must give priority to 100% of a full refund when it is unclear how many victims are ultimately eligible for refunds and whether the total amount of Fair Fund funds supports full refunds for all eligible applicants.  because it violates the purpose and laws of the u.s "Fair Fund "to protect the rights of investors worldwide.
                                                    A victim of remittance investment in mainland China