Subject: Comments on the Proposed Distribution Plan for 3-20537
From: M C

Mar. 01, 2022

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Thanks to the SEC for entrusting the JND legal management agency to initiate a fair fund refund procedure for our G series investment fraud victims, and to collect the opinions of the remittance investment victims within 30 working days, so that the people in mainland China can experience the US judicial system firsthand Run humanely, impartially and maturely.
A liar and rogue Guo, Wengui (aka:Guo Haoyun; Miles Guo/Kwok) living in the United States used the GTV he actually controlled to commit an investment fraud crime, and I was one of the remittance investment victims.In May 2020, I remitted money to the VOG company account provided by Wei,Lihong (aka: Lihong Wei Lafrenz; Sara Wei), an associate of Guo Wengui and a liar, through an intermediary and in two installments to the G series fundraising agent. After confirming that I have been deceived in 2021, I have reported and complained to the SEC, FBI, ICE(DHS) and New York State attorney general's office.
I make the following comments for the information of gentlemen and ladies of the Securities and Exchange Commission:
5. Prevent Wei, Lihong, her son Wei, Xiuzhu (aka: David Wei), and other criminal accomplices from falsely claiming refunds because they are assisting Wei Lihong in reconciliation, establishing a sender information database, collecting money, money laundering, transferring/hiding/corruption/embezzlement When the investor's funds are misappropriated and invested for profit, the identity information, contact method, remittance certificate, and bank reconciliation information of the remittance investor are mastered. The agent should carefully check the authorization, and report or complain to the SEC, FBI, ICE(DHS), New York State attorney general's office and other regulatory and law enforcement agencies, which can be used as auxiliary authentication materials to ensure that the real remittance investment victims receive Refund. Those who deceive the SEC and falsely claim refunds will be held accountable and punished;
6. Exclude Wei, Lihong's accomplices' eligibility for refunds. In July 2020, after the SEC served VOG with the legal document of the investigation notice, those who cooperated with Wei Lihong to delay time, concealed information, continued to deceive investors, and continued to receive payments did not meet the SEC’s investment refund criteria;
7. To recover the funds of Wei, Lihong who have already refunded or repeatedly refunded the fraudulent associates and put them into the fair fund.  In July 2020, after the SEC served VOG with the legal document of the investigation notice, it cooperated with Wei ,Lihong to delay time, concealed information,  and made up various absurd excuses to continue to deceive investors and continue to collect payments, which did not meet the SEC’s investment refund criteria;    
8. To recover the funds that Wei, Lihong has intentionally concealed and the SEC still does not know, belonging to remittance investment victimsand put them into the fair fund. These bank accounts include accounts held by her relatives and others on behalf of others, and there are funds withheld, transferred, and concealed for Wei Lihong's personal squandering, misappropriation for investment, and funds that have been remitted to her parents and relatives in mainland China;
9. Recover the US$32 million Hong Kong investment funds of the victims of remittance investment misappropriated by Guo, Wengui and Kyle Bass and put them into the Fair Fund;
10. To recover the administrative fines of 30 million and 5 million US dollars imposed by the SEC on Guo, Wengui and Wei, Lihong for illegal violations, and put them into the fair fund;
11. In order to facilitate interaction and communication with victims who do not understand English, please set up a telephone hotline that provides services in Chinese. The victim can fill in the mobile and landline numbers in China on the claim form;
12. Be vigilant and refuse remittance investment victims who have been systematically deceived, brainwashed, and still not awake by Guo, Wengui, Wei, Lihong gang and various online virtual “farms”, and entrust each “farmer” to accept the refund collectively in the name of the payee,  and once again Lost your refund for being scammed.
In short: every investment remitter has the right to express opinions to the SEC on matters of concern to him. Whether these opinions are reasonable and feasible is in the interests of all remittance investment victims, and I believe that the SEC can make a fair and objective analysis, judgment and handling based on its own experience and ability.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        A victim of remittance investment in mainland China