Subject: Comments on Proposed Distribution Plan - Release No. 34-94107; File No. 3-20537
From: James Bird

Feb. 28, 2022

Comments on Proposed Distribution Plan: GTV Media Group, Inc., Saraca Media Group, Inc. and Voice of Guo Media, Inc. [Release No. 34-94107; File No. 3-20537] Feb. 28, 2022 
Dear Fair Fund Administrators and SEC officers, 
As one of the financially injured investors of GTV/Saraca, I firstly want to let the SEC know how thankful I am for your timely input and amazingly efficient action on this case, which made it possible for the Eligible Claimants to be refunded!

For the Proposed Distribution Plan, I have below thoughts for below eligible claimants to be  prioritized in the plan:

Eligible Claimants who are U.S. Citizens to be refund earlier and fully - because this investigation cost a huge amount of U.S. government’s resources and U.S. tax payers’ tax contributions. This will also minimize US citizens to offset the investment losses on their tax reports. 

Eligible Claimants who require much less administrative cost, especially those who have been working directly with SEC investigators to provide helpful support on this matter by providing proven ID and investment evidence;

Eligible claimants who advanced funds to GTV/Saraca directly with NO Third-Party involved. Only start refunding Third-Party Filers after all direct American investors were fully refunded; 

Eligible Claimants with larger Recognized Losses, i.e. $100,000 or more, who have been suffering greater financial losses and emotional distress;

Eligible Claimants who had filed civil lawsuits against GTV/Saraca with extra legal expenses. Regardless of the outcome, they tried all possible actions, just as the SEC, to enforce the law against related wrongdoings. By prioritizing those eligible claimants, it encourages people to make all efforts to protect one’s rights and assets. In fact, some if not all of their ongoing filed cases fell into a dilemma since the SEC announcement on Sept 13, 2021, even though the settlement was indeed beneficial for all the GTV/Saraca investors. 
For the Initial Tranche, I would appreciate the SEC to please prioritize the Eligible Claimants who meet most or all above credentials, and please refund them at least 80% to 85% of their Recognized Losses during the Initial Tranche.

Again, thank you for your kind consideration and the opportunity for all GTV victims to comment on the plan!

One GTV victim