Subject: Administrative Proceeding File Number 3-20537
From: Terri N/A

Feb. 06, 2022

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 

To whom it may concern: 
I am the victim of the GTV/VOG scam. I have a few comments regarding the distribution plan: 
The GTV fair fund website said the eligible refunds are for GTV common stock from 4/20-6/2/2020. However, as far as I know, many victims wired money to Himalaya Dollar LLC account to purchase GTV common stock, or Lihong Wei (Sara)'s personal account to purchase VOG share after 6/2/2020, both Guo Wengui and Sara Wei were continuing accepting money for GTV stock even in July/August 2020. Given the money received from Guo Wengui and Sara Wei, the 1st time distribution shall increase to 80% instead of 50%. 
Sara Wei already refund to 100+ investors who shall not be eligible to receive refund this time. 
