Subject: SR- One of investors of GTV Submit Comments on 3-20537 Proposed Distribution Plan
From: Kkkkk Lee

Feb. 05, 2022

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. 


1.Commenter's Name :Individual 
2.Commenter's Professional Affiliation : One of investors of GTV MEDIA GROUP 3. Email , for the security of my private information, please  keep my email address or code confidential. 
4. Phone Number:None ,For the security of my personal information, please contact me by email. 
        1. Request for full refund of personal transfer amount Before May 2022, I need this money for marriage. 
        2. Please keep my personal information and comments confidential for well-known reasons. 
        3. Since my transfer is made by an individual third party, please do not return it far away when making a refund plan. I can provide a new personal collection account and provide sufficient supporting documents. 