Subject: File No. 3-20537
From: Leo

February 27, 2022

you guys must know that

The woman named as Lihongwei or Lihongwei Lafrenz is one persontwo names but same person Lihongwei is her Chinese passport name Lihongwei Lafrenz is her American passport name because she holds both Chinese passport and American passport

Lihong wei or Lihongwei Lafrenz is the real controller of VOG She use these two name both Chinese name and American name opend many accounts which i think is illegal

She use her Chinese name Lihongwei opend the private bank account of Wellsfargo Bank this is her secret bank account that SEC and other departments dont know at all

so i think you guys must pay strong attention to this private bank account because many victims transfered money to this private bank account including me
I transfered a lot of money to her secret private bank account of Wellsfargo but the SEC and other investigation departments have no idea of this secret private bank account which was opend by using her Chinese passport

As far as i know according to the law in the USA if any person from any country become a U.S. citizen with the American passport then the person can not keep the bank account which was opened by his/her previous passport because that is seriously illegal maybe money laundry tax evasion and many other crimes risk

so the secret bank account of Wellsfargo opend by her Chinese passport is illegal bank account but She secretly collected a lot of money from many victims including me so please take strong notice of this as victim i must take my money back please help victims

in ATTACHMENT i put her bank account information which she used for collecting moneyplease check and save

For her bank account issue used for collecting money or any other questions please contact me any time I am in California in the US.
i am very happy to help

and another suggestion the refund amount for the first round i strongly ask to move to 80% at leastmy parents are ill and i need these money to pay for the medical expense